Tips On How To Optimise Crawl Budget for SEO

Tips On How To Optimise Crawl Budget for SEO

Crawl budget is a very important factor for SEO, Grow business with SEO company in Ahmedabad. If you want to increase the organic traffic of your site, then it is necessary to know how the crawl budget affects it. In this article, I will discuss everything about the crawl budget and how to optimise it for better results in search engine optimisation (SEO).

Crawl Budget Explained

The crawl budget is the amount of time Google’s bots can spend crawling your website. It’s a setting that you can set in Search Console.

Once you have it set, crawlers will only crawl the pages on your site that are relevant to their goals (in this case, keywords). The total number of pages crawled daily is called “crawl budget”, and it’s based on how many requests per second each crawl type makes (more on request rate later).

If there is no session cookie or if sessions are not long enough to use cookies for authentication purposes, then we recommend using GET requests instead of POSTs whenever possible so that we don’t incur too much overhead from unnecessary HTTP requests such as those made by JavaScript libraries like Dojo or jQuery UI.

Crawl Budget

What Affects Crawl Budget

The crawl budget is a very important factor that can affect your website’s ranking. It’s a number that determines how many pages Google will look at when crawling your site.

The amount of pages and links on your website also affects the crawl budget. If you have more than one page, each page has its own resources and thus requires an additional amount of time for crawling it by Googlebot (the crawler).

Therefore, if there are too many pages on your site, then it takes longer for Googlebot to find all of them and index them properly so they can be crawled back up again by other search engines such as Bing or Yahoo!

Tips on How to Optimise Crawl Budget

  • Check crawl rate. The crawl budget is the number of resources you have to use to index your site, and it’s one of the most important metrics for optimising your crawl budget as per SEO Company in Ahmedabad. A low crawl rate means that Google has more work to do and will take longer to complete its processing phase in order to find new pages on your site. This can cause issues with page rendering (e.g., a blank white screen), which will hurt conversions from search engine traffic because users get frustrated waiting for their content to load or seeing an error message instead of a website they were expecting.
  • Check errors in the logs: If there are too many errors in Google’s log files or if an error occurs during indexation, this could indicate that one or more elements need repair before they can be indexed properly by search engines like Google.


I hope these tips help you find ways to get the most out of your crawl budget. Remember, there are many factors that can affect your crawl budget, and you want to make sure that none of them takes precedence over what’s important for SEO.

Consider how much time it will take to implement these changes on your site and how long they will last before they need to be changed again. This is an ongoing process and should not be rushed into without proper planning.

If you have any further questions, please let us know! We would love to hear from you as we continue to improve upon this topic.

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