5 Blog SEO Best Practices You Need To Know For 2023

5 Blog SEO Best Practices You Need To Know For 2023

SEO has changed dramatically over the past few years. Now, you have to know more than just keyword research and on-page content optimisation. In order to perform well in search engines, you need to understand the entire SEO Adelaide process from top to bottom. Fortunately for us, there are plenty of resources available online – including blogs like this one that cover everything you need to know about SEO! To help you get started with your own blog SEO strategies for 2023 and beyond, let’s take a look at some of the most important changes that have occurred over the past decade:

Choose one main keyword

When choosing a keyword, you need to choose one that is relevant to your content, the topic of your blog, and its subject matter. The keyword should also fit in with the theme of your blog. For example: If you’re running a Zib SEO Adelaide Services blog about how to stop biting your nails (a topic), then “how” and “stop” would be good keywords for you because they are both related to the topic of nail biting. You can use the Google Keyword Planner tool for finding out what people search online most frequently in order to get an idea about which words might work well as keywords for your site

Create content around search intent

There are two main types of search intent: informational and navigational. Informational searches are those in which people are looking for answers to their questions, while navigational searches are made by people who want to find a specific website or page (for example, “How do I grow tomatoes?” vs. “Where can I buy tomatoes?”). To determine the type of content you need to create for your blog posts, ask yourself what kind of information would be helpful for someone who is performing each type of search?

Use a plugin

You can easily install a plugin for your WordPress site that will help you with SEO. There are tons of plugins out there, but we recommend using the Yoast SEO plugin because it’s easy to use and highly effective. Once installed, this plugin will automatically scan your content as you’re writing it and give a score based on how well-optimised it is for search engines (the higher the score, the better). It also provides helpful tips on how to improve each section of your article or post so that it’s more likely to rank highly in search results. We recommend reading through all their recommendations before publishing anything new–this way, when someone searches for something related to what they wrote about (or even just vaguely related), their blog post will come up first!

Add internal links

Internal links are critical to the user experience and SEO. They help make your content more readable, user-friendly and search engine friendly. Internal linking is a great way to help people find the information they’re looking for, navigate your website or discover related content that might interest them.

Optimise for featured snippets

The first step to optimising for featured snippets is to use bolded terms. This will help Google understand what your page is about, and it will give them a better idea of what information they should show in the snippet. Next, make sure you include your keywords in the title of your blog post! It’s important that people know what they’re clicking on when they land on one of your blog posts so that they can quickly find the information they want or need. Finally, include those keywords again in the description field for each individual article as well–this helps Google determine what content is most relevant for users who are searching for those terms within their search results (and also makes sure no one misses out).


We hope this article has been helpful to you. We know that it can be confusing to know how to optimise your SEO Adelaide blog for search engines, but we also know that it’s important! If you want more information on how to do so, you can contact professionals.

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