Termite Inspection: What Do They Look For?

Termite Inspection: What Do They Look For?

Termites are a common problem in many parts of many homes. They can cause severe damage to your home or business if not caught and treated quickly. That’s why it’s essential to have a Termite Inspection Drouin wide done regularly, even if you don’t think you have a problem. In this article, we’ll explain what a termite inspection entails and what the inspector will be looking for.

What is a termite?

A termite is a small, wood-eating insect that can cause serious damage to homes and other buildings. There are two main types of termites: subterranean and dry wood. Each type has its own unique characteristics and habits. Drywood termites are the most common type in the United States. They tend to infest the upper parts of buildings, where they can easily find wooden beams and furniture to eat. Subterranean termites live underground and build tunnels and channels to reach wooden structures above ground. They are particularly dangerous because they can easily damage the foundations of buildings.

Do you have termites?

 building inspections

Termites are pesky little bugs that can cause a lot of damage to your home. If you suspect you have a termite infestation, it’s important to call in a professional House Inspection Drouin to do a termite inspection. During a termite inspection, the inspector will look for evidence of termites, such as mud tubes, damage to wood, and discarded wings. If termites are found, the inspector will put together a treatment plan to get rid of the bugs.

What do professional termite inspections look for?

The goal of any professional termite inspection is to determine whether or not there are active termite colonies on the property.  

Professional termite inspections look for three main things:

  1. Signs of termite infestation, such as mud tubes, termite droppings and damage to wood
  2. Conditions that are conducive to termites, such as moisture and wood decay
  3. Treatment options if an infestation is found

What should you look for during a termite inspection?

A typical termite inspection will include a visual examination of the property, as well as a review of any active termite damage. Your inspector will also check for signs of moisture damage, which can be a major attractant for termites. They’ll also look for termite egg casings, mud tubes and any other evidence of an infestation. If your inspector does find evidence of termites, they’ll create a treatment plan tailored specifically to your property.

How do you get rid of termites?

If termites are discovered on your property, the inspector will create a plan of action detailing what needs to be done to get rid of them. This may include treatments like fumigation or pesticides, as well as structural repairs. It’s important to remember that not all termite infestations can be cured, so it’s crucial to seek help as soon as you suspect there may be a problem.


If you think you might have a termite problem, it’s important to get a professional termite inspection as soon as possible. They will be able to determine if you do have termites, and also help you get rid of them if necessary.

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