5 Most Common Commercial Office Fit Out Mistakes

5 Most Common Commercial Office Fit Out Mistakes

When it comes to commercial fitout melbourne, there are many mistakes businesses can make. Most of them are avoidable, but you must know what they are so that you can avoid them as well. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top five most common mistakes made by companies when planning their next office fit-out, and how they can be avoided:

  • Choosing the wrong location.

The first and most important factor to consider is location. The location should not be overlooked as it can affect your business’s success, efficiency, and cost.

You should make sure that you choose an office space that’s close to transport and amenities. This will help your employees get to work easily, which means they’ll be happier, more productive, and able to get home at a reasonable time. It will also have the added benefit of increasing their loyalty towards your company if they’re happy with the workplace environment.

Your choice of location should also be close to where potential customers are located so that they’re easy for new clients or customers to reach when making appointments with you or coming in for meetings etc., this will also increase customer satisfaction levels which are vital when trying to attract new business prospects too!

When choosing an office location, make sure there’s plenty of parking nearby because employees will have less stress getting to work each day if there isn’t any concern about whether there’ll be enough spaces available on arrival or not – plus, this could save money over time by reducing fuel consumption too!

commercial fitout melbourne

  • Not investing in professional help.

You will be working with a number of people during the design and construction phase. You need to find a good commercial fit-out company, commercial fit-out designer, commercial fit-out contractor, and project manager. You should also consider engaging an architect if your project requires architectural drawings.

  • Not planning for change.

Another common mistake is not planning for change. When you’re working with a client, there are a few key things to consider when talking about their space, such as:

  • How will their needs change over time?
  • What changes might need to happen in the future due to growth or restructuring?
  • What is the best way to accommodate these changes?
  • Not planning for growth.

If you’re planning for growth, there are a few key things to consider.

  • The first is that you need to plan for future needs. This means you need to think about how the business will grow in size and scope, what new products or services might be introduced, and how those changes will impact your office space.
  • Next up: don’t forget that your industry could also be changing around you. Are there competitors popping up who offer different products/services? How do they operate differently than you do? Is it affecting their office layout or workforce? You should know this because it could help shape how your team operates day-to-day—and maybe even inform decisions about where equipment is placed inside the building.
  • Finally, don’t forget about market trends! As an entrepreneur looking toward long-term success (and not just one year), it’s important not only that industry players and competitors remain in mind but also broader economic factors like inflation rates so that investments made today won’t seem insignificant tomorrow due to rapid inflationary pressures on companies’ bottom lines (i..e., profits).
  • Not planning for sustainability.

If you are an owner or tenant of a commercial office building, it is important to plan for sustainability. The benefits of making your building sustainable include improved productivity and energy efficiency, which can save money on your utility bills and reduce the number of resources you use.

Sustainability doesn’t have to be difficult; it just requires thoughtful planning at the beginning of a project. By considering how you want your building to look as well as how you want it to operate, you will be able to make informed choices about materials and design details that will impact its longevity over time.

You’ll also want to take into account the unique features of each space in order to create efficiencies throughout the entire structure with regard to lighting, mechanical systems, and more. For example: if there is limited access between departments due to bulky equipment (like industrial ovens), then it may be necessary for employees working in those areas not only have their own private bathrooms but also drinkable water dispensers near their desks so they don’t need constant access outside


It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of your new office fit out and forget about the important things. Planning for change, growth and sustainability should be at the top of your priority list. If you make these considerations for your commercial fit-out Melbourne from the start, then there will be fewer problems down the track when it comes time for renovations or expansions.

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