What Are THE Different Types OF Ndis Housing?

What Are THE Different Types OF Ndis Housing?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the largest social reform in Australia since the introduction of Medicare. 

One of the most important parts of the scheme is its focus on independent living and choice. This means that your NDIS plan should include an accommodation component that makes sense for your needs and preferences—and that’s not just about getting a new house!

In this article, we’ll explore some common types of NDIS housing  in Melbourne options and how they differ from one another.

Home-Delivered Housing

Home-delivered housing is a type of supported accommodation where the person with disability lives in their own home, but receives support from a team of professionals to help them live independently.

The NDIS housing Melbourne will fund the cost of the home, as well as the support needed to live there.

Supported Accommodation

Supported accommodation is provided by a provider. The provider helps with activities of daily living, such as making meals and doing laundry, as well as helping with other needs such as getting to medical appointments or shopping.

Supported accommodation is for people who are able to live independently but need some extra support in order to do so.

Shared Living Accommodation

Shared living accommodation is where you share your house with other NDIS participants. You may share with one or more people, and have your own bedroom, bathroom and kitchen in the house. You will also be expected to share the rest of the house with other NDIS participants.

If you choose shared living accommodation, it’s important that everyone gets along well so that everyone feels comfortable in their home environment.

Community Respite Accommodation

Community Respite Accommodation is a place where people with disabilities can go for a short break from their homes. 

It can be run by NDIS providers or community organizations, and can provide either single or shared rooms. Community Respite Accommodation may be provided in the client’s own home, a hostel or hotel.

Short-term Respite Accommodation

Short-term respite accommodation is for people who need a break from their home. If you or a member of your family has complex needs and/or disabilities, then short-term respite can be very helpful.

Your NDIS planner will refer you to short-term respite if they feel that it’s suitable for your situation. This can happen at any time during the year and there are no set periods when it stops being available; however, most providers will only accept referrals up each year as they start planning their next financial year at this time.


As you can see, there are many different types of NDIS housing Melbourne. Each type has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important that you do your research before choosing one. 

If you’re looking for a place where you can live independently but still receive support from professionals, home-delivered housing might be right for you. 

But if you need more intensive care than just someone checking in on you every now and then (such as daily meals), shared living accommodation might be better suited towards your needs.

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