Why Every Racehorse Owner Needs a Bloodstock Agent

Why Every Racehorse Owner Needs a Bloodstock Agent

If you have your own stable of racehorses, it’s important to find the right bloodstock agent to help you navigate the world of thoroughbred horse racing. In this article, we’ll explain why every racehorse owner needs a bloodstock agent and the ways they can help make sure that your racehorse wins races and earns money in the process. Ready?  Let’s go!

Who Are They, and What Do They Do?

Every racehorse owner needs a bloodstock agent. A bloodstock agent is the person who brings your horse to the sales, negotiates with prospective buyers and looks after all of the legal paperwork necessary to complete a sale. In other words, they do everything for you that you can’t do yourself!

How To Choose A Bloodstock Agent

Choosing the right bloodstock agent to represent your horse can be difficult, but it’s essential. In order to find the right agent, you need to ask yourself two questions: what is your budget and what are your goals? 

If you’re looking for an agent with a big client list, then you might want to go with someone who is more expensive. If you’re looking for an agent who will work with you closely and get to know your horse better, then choose an agent who charges less.

What Does The Future Hold For You And Your Horse?

Owning racehorses is hard. You have to keep up with the latest developments in the industry, plus maintain an active role in your horse’s training and health care. It’s not uncommon for owners to put in long hours at the track, on the road, or in the barn, and it can get tiring. 

That’s where bloodstock agents come into play. They handle all of the administrative work that you don’t want to deal with, so you can focus on what matters most: your horse!

Commonly Asked Questions about buying racehorses, answered by an expert.

What is the role of a bloodstock agent? A bloodstock agent assists racehorse owners in buying and selling racehorses. 

Bloodstock Agent

Why should I hire one? 

A bloodstock agent will make sure you get the best price for your horse, help you find your next horse, and represent you with other agents when negotiating deals. 

Do they work for me or the seller? The buyer’s agent represents their client’s interests during negotiations. 

Who pays their commission? 

The seller typically pays any commission due to an agent. 

When should I use them? Whenever buying or selling a racehorse, it is wise to have an expert to represent your interests. 

What qualifications do they need?


In summary, bloodstock agents take care of the legal and financial aspects of horse ownership so that the owner can focus on training and racing. This is why every racehorse owner needs to find their own bloodstock agent!

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