Use These Butcher Tips When Making Sausages At Home

Use These Butcher Tips When Making Sausages At Home

Making sausage at home is a fun way to experiment with flavors and create delicious, homemade meals. If you’ve never made your own sausages before, don’t worry! We’ve got some tips to make the process easier than ever and find the reliable Butcher Melbourne.


Butchering is a term that refers to the process of preparing meat for consumption. Butchering includes:

  • Cutting up large pieces into smaller portions, often with a sharp knife.
  • Cutting away any remaining fat or bones from the cut meat.
  • Grinding up larger pieces into smaller ones using a meat grinder/meat miner, which can also be used to make sausages and burgers.

To learn how to butcher at home and make your own sausages, follow these steps:

Trim excess fat

Before you mix your meat and spices, trim any excess fat from the outside of the meat. It’s a good idea to use a sharp knife for this task. The fat should be removed before mixing so it doesn’t end up in your sausages!

If you are using a meat grinder, it’s best to keep the fat on until after you have ground your meat. This is because the fat may clog up the grinder if it’s removed beforehand.

Butcher Melbourne

Grind meat

Grinding meat for sausage is a very satisfying experience. It also feels like you’re doing something special when you grind your meat. If you don’t have a meat grinder, no worries! You can still do it by hand using the food processor method or the more labor-intensive manual method using two different knives.

  • If using a food processor: Seasoned pros will tell you this method is faster and results in less loss of fat and connective tissue than hand grinding alone. Cut up your pork shoulder or beef chuck into chunks that fit into your food processor’s feed tube (you’ll probably need to cut up some of them anyway).
  • Put all of the pieces inside and pulse until they become ground according to your preference—if necessary, use pulses instead of continuous “pulse-and-go” motions so as not to overwork your motor or blades (which can lead them dull quickly).
  • If using hand tools: When making smaller batches at home it’s easiest to simply dice up all of your meat with kitchen knives before grinding it, but if making large batches for sale at the market consider investing in an electric grinder (we recommend one with reverse action).
  • Use either regular or coarse blades depending on what kind of sausage casing/casings will be used later; coarse grinds result in coarser sausages while fine grinds are better suited for sausages containing fillers like breadcrumbs or rice flour.

Mix the meat and spices

Mix the meat and spices. Add salt, pepper, and any other seasonings you want to use. If your sausage doesn’t have enough fat in it, add a little water to the mixture so that it will be easier to mix with your hands.

Roll the mixture into sausage links. You can use natural casings or muslin cloth; both work well. If you’re using cloth, secure one end and then twist the sausage tightly about 1 inch above the other end. Repeat until you have finished your sausages.


Remember to always pay attention to your meat and spices and buy from the right Butcher Melbourne. You want them to be fresh for the best-tasting sausages. Also, make sure that you have all of your ingredients ready before you start making your sausage mixture so that there are no delays or mistakes made by rushing through it!

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