How Will You Keep Your Dog Healthy During Winter?

How Will You Keep Your Dog Healthy During Winter?

Winter’s arrival affects mankind, not only humans. Just like us, pets too feel tiresome and they look for some activity to stay active throughout the time. In such a situation, what will you do? How will you keep your dog or cat active & healthy? How will you keep them protected while you go outside? It is important to leverage the cat flap door installation to ensure the pet’s safety. What do you think?

During the wintertime, you need to pay attention to a few important things to keep your dog active and healthy throughout time. Below are a few ways that can be a good help to you and the pet family of course!

  • Play fetch with your dog

You may feel it a simple exercise but playing fetch is an easy way to keep your pet motivated to participate in a fun activity. If you have a decent amount of room space in your house, playing fetch can be a perfect game for you and your pet. To add more joy, you need to make your dog’s favorite toy as a weapon and throw it as far as you can. Then, let him or her find it out. Once he/she bring back the toy, you can practice his/her flexibility by commanding him/her physical activity.

  • Pet running stairs exercise

Do you have set in your house or garage? If you have then run stairs with your dog can be a good solution to increase their heart rate and pumping. This exercise will come up with two options. First and foremost is, you can participate with your pet which will keep you active and healthy. Secondly, it will focus on cardio and training. You can teach your dog to wait at the bottom of the stairs and once you reach the top, instruct him to come and repeat the same.

  • Pet door insulation – Sliding door dog door

If you can install accessible pet doors then there would be nothing more beneficial than this. You will have complete freedom to access the doors for overall health and well-being. This could be even more beneficial if you are away from home for a while. But, one big problem with this is, you need to ensure that the pet door gives the same warmth and convenience to your pet. This way you can give freedom to your dog which will promote physical activity.

  • Prefer walking or jogging with your pet

If the atmosphere is safe, you should take the pet for jogging or walking. This can be a good way to promote activity and flexibility for you and your pet both. Dogs actually love to roam in an open atmosphere so it is recommended to bring him or her outside for a walk or jog during the winter days.

  • Find out other activities

Are you living in hill areas? If you are living in a snowy atmosphere then playing in the season can give them extreme joy. You just need to make sure about the right apparel for you and the dog. You can make your pet to chase snowballs as dogs love to play chasing games.


End of the buzz!

Whether you have a cat or dog in the house, it would surely be a smart option to invest in sliding door dog door that keeps them safe & happy. Have you bought any? How was your experience? Don’t forget to share it with us. Pamper your pet more!

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