Children’s Occupational Therapy: A Complete Guide

Children’s Occupational Therapy: A Complete Guide

Occupational therapy is a form of treatment that helps people with developmental disabilities and chronic illnesses. Childrens Occupational Therapy Adelaide use different techniques to help their patients improve their functional skills, independence, and quality of life. 

This complete guide will answer all your questions about occupational therapy for children. We’ll cover everything from how it works to how much it costs and who pays for it.

What are the Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Children?

One of the biggest benefits of occupational therapy for children is that it can help improve their self-esteem. Children who are struggling with developmental delays and disabilities may not feel like they can do things that other kids their age can, which can lead to poor self-image. Occupational therapy allows them to practice and master skills in a safe environment, with an adult who knows what they’re doing.

Another benefit is that occupational therapy helps kids communicate better, both verbally and nonverbally. Many kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or learning disabilities have trouble expressing themselves using language—they may use words incorrectly, forget words mid-sentence, speak too softly for others around them to hear them clearly, etc.—and this can make it difficult for others to understand what they need out of life or schoolwork. OT helps develop communication strategies so these children know how best to express themselves without being overwhelmed by situations where there’s lots going on at once (like class parties).

Childrens Occupational Therapy Adelaide

Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration

Sensory integration disorder is a disorder that causes a child to have trouble processing sensory information. This can cause them to be hypersensitive—or overly sensitive—to one or more senses. For example, if a child has sensory integration disorder and is oversensitive, he or she may be uncomfortable in clothes (or even more extreme, unable to wear clothes), because he “feels” too much of the texture and temperature of anything touching his skin. In contrast, a child who suffers from hypersensitivity might not like being touched by another person because it feels too intense for him or her.

In addition to affecting how people interact with their environment and respond physically and emotionally to various stimuli around them, sensory processing issues also affect their social skills. A child who doesn’t comfortably fit into certain situations may find herself overwhelmed by unfamiliar people or environments; when this happens again and again over time as she grows up (and becomes an adult), it could negatively impact her ability to form meaningful relationships with other people.*

How Can I Find an Occupational Therapist for My Child?

If you are struggling to find an occupational therapist for your child, consider contacting:

  • Your child’s pediatrician.
  • His or her school or daycare provider.
  • Your local hospitals and medical centers, including university-based hospitals that may offer a range of services, depending on the location and institution. These institutions may also have referrals for other local therapists who specialize in serving people with disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and other issues affecting motor skills like Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis (MS).
  • Local community centers that provide vocational training programs for people with disabilities or special needs may be able to direct you toward in-home services from an occupational therapist who specializes in these kinds of situations; sometimes it can be difficult for families to find such therapists because they don’t always advertise their availability publicly like private practitioners do but still help families through referrals only known by word-of-mouth within certain circles

Can You Have More Than One OT for Your Child?

You can have more than one therapist, and you should. You may have a physical therapist, occupational therapist, and speech-language pathologist all working with your child. Or you may choose to have one person who specialises in just one area of need (such as an OT or SLP). Sometimes there’s overlap between these fields—for example, an SLP might work on fine motor skills or handwriting while also doing language work.

The important thing is that you find someone who works well with your child’s needs! If a certain approach doesn’t seem to be helping much after some time has passed then it makes sense to ask for another opinion or try something new.

Who Pays for Occupational Therapy?

Most health insurance plans cover occupational therapy. If your child is covered by Medicare, you may be able to get occupational therapy through Medicare; if your child is covered by Medicaid, you may be able to get occupational therapy through Medicaid.

If the cost of occupational therapy is a concern for you, contact us and we can discuss payment options based on your individual situation.


The most important thing to remember when it comes to Childrens Occupational Therapy Adelaide is that it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you think your child might benefit from this treatment, then by all means visit an OT and see if they can help!

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