A Guide To Selecting Perfect Shutters For Your Home

A Guide To Selecting Perfect Shutters For Your Home

Shutters are a classic and stylish way to add privacy and style to your home. Whether you’re renovating or building from the ground up, choosing shutters Melbourne can be a daunting task. To help simplify this process, we’ve created this comprehensive guide on shutter selection. 

We’ll walk you through everything from identifying your home’s style and architecture to selecting the right size for your windows. By following our advice, you’ll be able to choose the perfect shutters for every room in your house!

Consider Your Home’s Style and Architecture 

The first thing you should consider is the style of your home. If your house has a traditional, colonial-style exterior, then shutters Melbourne will look great with it. 

However, if you have an older home that has been updated with modern features and materials like brick or stucco siding, then shutters may not be right for your house at all.

If you’re unsure about which style is best for your home’s architecture, start by looking at magazines and books that feature homes in similar neighbourhoods as yours. 

You can also check out other houses in the area to get ideas on how they’ve decorated their windowsills–this will help get an idea for what looks good together before making any purchases!

Determine Your Preferred Shutter Material 

The first step to selecting the right shutter for your home is to determine what material you want it made of. There are many different materials, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. 

Wood shutters are the most expensive but also last the longest; metal shutters are durable but heavy; vinyl and aluminium can be lightweight but also less durable than wood or metal.

Roller Shutters

Choose the Right Shutter Size 

It’s important to choose the right shutter size so that it covers the window. The width of your shutters should be wide enough to cover the whole window and its frame, while their height should be tall enough to cover both sides of your window. 

Their depth should be deep enough so that they can completely cover each side of your window (including any trim).

Don’t Forget About Functionality 

Functionality and practicality are important considerations when it comes to selecting shutters for your home. The best shutters Melbourne will be easy to use, clean, durable and energy efficient. They should also be stylish and attractive so that they fit in with the overall design of your home’s exterior.

A good way to ensure that you get the right shutter for your needs is by thinking about how often you will use them (and if anyone else uses them). 

If there are children in the house who may need help opening or closing them then look for models with easy-slide mechanisms or automatic openers that don’t require any manual effort at all!


It’s important to keep in mind that the right shutter for your home is the one that meets all of your needs and fits in with your style. 

There are so many different options out there, so take some time to research what will work best for you before making an investment.

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